What makes impactful climate & nature education?

by | Nov 2, 2023 | Uncategorized

Principles we view as important for effective climate and environmental education include:<br />
1) Engaging and interactive: Complex graphs and multiple hours of Powerpoint presentations are not usually optimal: interactive or ’experiential’ formats promote more active participation, teamwork and discussion<br />
2) Involves emotion / heart: Many people have a theoretical knowledge of the threats we face, but allowing ourselves to move those concepts “from our heads to our hearts” is often the missing link required to facilitate change through education.<br />
3) Collaborative: The transitions needed in our societies will require enormous cooperation and teamwork involving diverse groups. Interactive workshops that bring in individuals/teams that don’t usually interact can help break down barriers between often siloed groups, for example between departments or across the political spectrum.<br />
4) Empowering and action-focussed: Whilst it is important to be honest about the scale of the crises we face, we want learning activities to leave people with a better understanding not just of how bad things are, but also of where change can be made, and crucially where people can use their positions and skills to make a difference.<br />
5) Accessible to all but differentially targeted: Access to knowledge of the emergencies we face and how they will affect us should be universal; as such it's important that opportunities to engage with learning embodying all of the principles above are widespread and inclusive. Whilst we are all impacted by the CEE and all of us can make a difference through our actions, different individuals and groups have different responsibility, opportunity, capacity and power. The scale and urgency of the crises we face requires that effective education reaches those in positions of power - often amongst the hardest groups to reach - as a priority.<br />