A couple of months ago we (Abi & Sophia) got a bit over-excited and decided we would run not one, not two, but NINE events for York Environment Weeks 2024. We wanted to create some more opportunities for learning and connection within our existing community but also to experiment a little, trying out some of our new ideas to broaden both what we do and who gets involved in our events. We also had the radical idea that we could also have some fun doing it.
So how did it go?
We kicked off with a very informal social, which was a great chance to reconnect but also to welcome some new faces, including some who were entirely new to York…
We held five workshops and discussions we’d tested before – sharing the science of climate change and biodiversity, considering the roles of motherhood and of protest in a rapidly changing world, and equipping one another to have better conversations about these often-difficult topics. Each time we had important but also motivating conversations, new ideas to think about, and new people joining us…
And we also got more creative, which resulted in some of the highlights of our events series…
Not knowing whether it would be answered, we put out a call for performers willing to share their words, music or artwork on the theme of inviting or ‘pulling in’ the future we want to see. And the results were beautiful and powerful! We heard stories, poetry and music and even an impromptu collaborative performance….
Our next callout was to women applying a sustainable ethos to running their businesses in York, and to anyone who wants to hear from them. We were blown away with the positive, collaborative and supportive atmosphere at this event which featured an inspiring panel (check out The Outside In plant studio, Dogobees hair salon and Frankly coaching) as well as insightful contributions from a wealth of leaders – and aspiring leaders – in our midst locally…
Last Friday we rounded off our events series with a very special social, celebrating all the positives of our YEWs2024 programme and strengthening the connections within our growing YorkCliConnect community… accompanied by some of the most delicious vegetables possible (all grown within just a few miles of York). Even after a quiet weekend I’m still feeling energised after those conversations (not to mention the cabbage!)
The numbers are not the most important thing, but here are a few we’re feeling happy, and a little bit proud, about:
– We hosted our (19th, 20th, 21st,…. &) 27th network event(s) since we set up in April last year.
– We welcomed around 100 unique participants to these 9 events with 70 years between the oldest and youngest.
– More than half of our participants hadn’t joined a YorkCliConnect event before.
It’s really exciting to have seen our experiments work, to have expanded our ‘bubble’, and to have learned and enjoyed ourselves along the way.
A huge thank you to our hosts Micklegate Social, Fairfax Corner, The Outside In & Remedy. We’d love for you to show them your appreciation (and ours) by paying them a visit! And a massive thank you to the YEW2024 organising team, including a special shoutout to Maddie who has been stewarding our social media at the same time as being on the team making the wider YEWs2024 programme happen.
A final thank you to all of you who joined us or otherwise supported our events. You’ve made them a joy to be part of.
See you soon! 🪲